Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Blue and Brown

This is a pretty mix of blue and brown - looks good for Spring/Summer OR Fall/winter - I have some other nice fabrics that would accent the blues in that main fabric, if you want something a little lighter!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Every color

This is some fabric I found today - the brown background floral has so much that can work with it, so limitless. Not to mention all the same fabrics have the option of different focus colors, like a pink, blue, or green background, if you'd rather have that! (Those aren't shown here - had to stop myself!)

So many more fabrics!

Here are some more choices for you...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Shipping is $4.50 for the first 2 outfits, and $.50 for every two after that. If, when I ship, the cost is less, I will let you know!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Only a FRACTION of available fabrics besides what you've already seen on the site. There really is SOOO much, it's hard to know which ones to pick to put on the site! I'll keep putting stuff on here though, as long as you'll keep looking!

Sister set is done!

This is the "sister set" I've been working on today - the bright colors are a new choice available to help you get your little one ready for Spring/Summer. The pants have the multi stripes, with a ruffle at the bottom from the same "square" fabric in the top. These turned out great, and I'm sure these sisters will be getting lots of attention on Easter!

Bright Splash into Spring!

I love that I am working on THESE particular sets today, since it's so gray and rainy here!
Look for the coordinating "sister" partner for this one later today! This one is actually a pillowcase dress, and the next one will be a pillowcase pant set.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Headin' to the ER

Hey, I know I promised more by this evening but I'm heading to the ER with guess who? F may have broken her OTHER elbow you know the drill. Hopefully I'll catch up tomorrow.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Black and White with a Splash of Red

I LOOOOOVE this! This one is to fill an order, but now I've GOT to make some for my girls!